Should I Consider Expanding Foam Insulation For DIY Projects?

By Edward Nave

There are four insulation types' to consider when choosing insulation they are; batt and blanket, rigid board, loose fill and Expanding foam insulation. I will talk about each individually so you will have a better understanding when choosing insulation.

The first we will consider when choosing insulation is loose fill. This insulation is made from either cellulose or fiberglass. It makes a blanket effect when it is blown into the walls. Contractors use it attics and walls in unfinished buildings. This type is treated for fire resistance and moisture.

When choosing insulation, you should consider the numerous of benefits of expanding foam insulation. It makes a good air sealer, improving air quality, lowers heating and air-conditions cost. This eliminates wind washing, caulking, house wrap or vapor seal. It can be used in high or low temp. It reduces noise, helps against flooding and controls condensation. It doesn't shrink, is not biodegradable and makes structures sounder. You can apply this over old material.

When choosing insulation there are three other types to consider; loose fill, batt and blanket and rigid foam board. I will talk about each briefly.

Loose fill made from fiberglass or cellulose like Expanding foam insulation it's blown into the walls to make a blanket effect. It is used in unfinished attics and walls.

Expanding Foam insulation has many uses. They range from finished walls, ceilings, floors, docks and airplanes. It's especially helpful around electrical boxes, outlets, window seals and other small tight enclosed areas.

Expanding Foam insulation has more benefits. It can be used efficiently in hot or cold temperatures. It reduces noise, condensation, and wind washing. It also helps protect against flood and makes building more structural sound. It improves air quality and lowers utilities. It doesn't shrink or deteriorate with age. It does not require further winterizing. You can apply Expanding Foam Insulation over old material.

When choosing insulation you have to consider the good and bad qualities of each type of insulation. Although batt and blanket is the cheapest initially, proper insulation is required. Rigid foam boards is also inexpensive but unless treated can obtain moisture and harbor bugs. Both require further weatherization. Expanding foam insulation and loose fill both effectively cover the area without bugs, or retaining moisture and without further weatherization. - 29955

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